Our Team
African Enterprise’s vision is to be a catalyst for effective urban evangelism in Word and Deed in partnership with the church. The ‘family of AE’ are represented by teams in 10 different countries in Africa and 7 support teams around the globe, together with our valued donors, volunteers, prayer partners, mission partners and board directors in each country. As one body under Christ, we are actively working to unite churches on mission in up to 15 African cities each year, reaching over a million people and seeing tens of thousands making a commitment to follow Jesus per annum. Our duty of care to new believers involves coordinating training for pastors and volunteers and following up new believers.
Our social action programs give practical support and hope, and are all provided through the love of Jesus and faithfulness of his people. This is made possible through the very talented teams of experienced evangelists in Africa and supporters who are praying and giving financially to see the Great Commission fulfilled and God glorified through Jesus. In addition we run development programs for vulnerable people to give them better opportunities for health, wellbeing and to support their families. Each of the team members below are responsible for different parts of our ministry through Word and Deed, and we all work together under an AE Covenant of Partnership to ensure we do our best for churches, new believers, our supporters and one another.

AE CEO, Stephen Mbogo

International Missions Director, Emmanuel Kwizera

International Social Action Director, Janet Mwendwa

Founder of AE, Michael Cassidy and his wife Carol

International Prayer Coordinator, Biggie Paul

AE Australasia Director, Ben Campbell

AE DRC Director, Leonard Kiswangi

AE Ethiopia Director, Melisachew Mesfin

AE Europe Director, Lynn Nwagbara

AE Ghana Director, Ben Sachie

AE USA & Canada Director, Jamie Morrison

AE Kenya Director, Benson Omondi

AE Malawi Director, Cornelius Huwa

AE Rwanda Director, John Kalenzi

AE South Africa Director, Theuns Pauw

AE Tanzania Director, Emmanuel Kopwe

AE Uganda Director, Edward Mubiru

AE Ireland Director, David Ebbs

AE Zimbabwe Director, Brian Mugwidi

AESAR Team Leader, Dr. Lutangu Lubasi
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