Three weeks ago our Kenyan Foxfire Team were involved in a vehicle accident that involved the destruction of their van – a primary aid to reaching the lost in Kenya.
In God’s infinite mercy, not one of the members was seriously injured physically. Sharon Wangui recounts the incident,
“Every Foxfire member was shaken. It’s not easy to be in a situation in which you are not sure if you will come out alive or dead. It’s traumatizing. I remember we screamed both to help ourselves and to warn others to give way. But after all is said and done, here we are ready to continue with ministry. Our vehicle may be damaged, but our zeal for ministry is not injured. We will keep on setting the youth ablaze for Christ.”
Kenyan Foxfires Coordinator, Edward Mungai, has provided further updates to say that the team has a week off to recover from the trauma through counselling and rest. One member lost a tooth, and will have it replaced in April.
The team are moving forward with passion and urgency, currently concluding their training in youth trauma counselling before recommencing missions. There are two youth conferences, as well as other missions programmes to present in!
Thank you to the indescribable generosity of the Australian donors who responded to the cries for prayer and financial support from Kenya. The van needed to be replaced, and we have been overwhelmed with enough gifts for Kenya to purchase a new vehicle, praise God! We will keep you posted once we hear news of their progress.