African Enterprise’s stratified evangelism model means that we don’t just hold one massive meeting on a certain day in a particular part of town. It means that a during mission week we hold hundreds or thousands of small meetings across the city. We aim to meet people where they are with the Gospel just like Christ meets each of us where we are.
Master Ben, as he is known, is Master over several small auto shops within a neighbourhood of Kumasi which is dominated by mechanics. He attends a local church and tries to be a good example of his faith to the mechanics that work for him. “A few months back,” Master Ben told us, “a woman from a church nearby dropped off a flyer for the Kumasi Mission and told me that someone could come to preach here. I was very excited and called the number right away to organise someone to come. I want the men here to know Jesus, I just don’t always know the best thing to say.”
On Friday morning a team of three evangelists, along with their interpreter arrived at Master Ben’s group of shops ready to preach. He had worked hard that morning to gather as many mechanics from around the area as he could and in all 25 people came.
Master Ben ushered the mission team to a few benches under a mango tree where the mechanics had gathered to hear the message. “The men gamble here on their breaks.” He told the team. As the group of men began to settle in to hear the message, more people began appearing. They could see that something was about to happen and they wanted to know what it was.
“Look! The church is expanding already!” Guide, the main preacher, said. “Bring more benches! We’ve been a church for less than five minutes and we’ve already outgrown our venue!”
“Bring more benches! We’ve been a church for less than five minutes and we’ve already outgrown our venue!”
The event began with a song and a dance which got everyone in high spirits. Master Ben’s smile was a mile wide as his hopes for his workers began to come into focus.
Guide spoke to the men about the story of the Prodigal Son and told them that God is a God of second chances. “He’s waiting for you with open arms.” Guide said. “No matter what you’ve done or the condition of your heart. Come to Jesus and He will welcome you. You can have a new life in Him, you just have to take hold of it.”
Guide asked the men to bow their heads for prayer and as he asked for people to accept Christ into their hearts, hands began popping up. Guide gathered them close to pray with them and had them repeat a prayer of surrender to Christ.
As the men filled in decision cards so that local churches could contact them, Guide charged Master Ben with the task of continuing the work. “They are your sheep now, Master Ben! Gather them here every morning before work and pray together. Have a morning devotion time with them and watch them grow.”. Which he happily agreed to do, the smile still broad on his face.
African Enterprise is passionate about reaching people where they are in the same way that Christ reaches out to us where we are. In all, 18 young mechanics decided to follow Christ on Friday morning. Christ found them where they were; at the church under the mango tree.