AE is pleased to advise supporters of the latest changes to the African Enterprise Board, with the introduction of three new directors and the retirement of three long serving members.
Joining us in August 2016 was Mr. David Cain BCom, MCom, MBA, GAICD. David has over two decades of business management experience within large multinationals. He has held increasingly senior leadership roles across the disciplines of commercial strategy, government affairs and policy development. He has a passion for Africa, Board Governance and AE.
Joining us in May 2017 was Mr. Rohan Gilchrist BEc, FCA, and Rev Chris Siriweera B. D.
Rohan has worked extensively in banking and finance throughout Europe and Australia in a number of senior directing roles. He has a passion for empowering, inspiring and coaching colleagues, and for charity and fundraising events.
Chris is the Senior Minister at St Stephen’s Presbyterian Church in Surrey Hills, Vic. He is excited to see the church grow through strong leadership.
Retiring are: Mr. Mike Woodall, Mrs. Gudrun Adam and Dr. Robert Claxton. We give thanks to God for their significant years of service to AE.
Mr. Jeffrey Collett was reappointed as Chairman and Mrs Judy Wong-See was reappointed as Deputy Chair.
Under God’s guidance, we look forward to seeing AE continue to work diligently to spread the Gospel throughout all of Africa. We are really excited to strengthen our mission, to evangelise the cities of Africa in word and deed in partnership with the church.