If you’ve ever thought to yourself that it’s hard to pray, you’re not alone. Prayer takes discipline, time, and a willing heart to come before our Heavenly Father.
At AE, some of our supporters are using the Prayermate app to help create a framework for diligent, God centred prayer times – and we hope you might too.
Prayermate, is, put simply, a digital list maker. It allows you to categorise the things you want to pray for – e.g. the world, your workplace, your family and friends. When paper lists and your brain are just not enough, it’s a way of keeping track.
At AE we know that prayer is the most powerful tool we have to present all our requests and the desires of our hearts before God. Our quarterly Prayer Diary and Fortnightly Prayer Bulletin (email only) are two ways we encourage you to prayer with us and for us. The beauty of Prayermate is that you can receive the daily prayer point from the AE Prayer Diary direct to you phone or iPad and add it to the list of things to pray for!
You might like to create a ‘Global Missions’ list where you pray for organisations like AE, Tear, World Vision, CMS (Church Mission Society) and many others.
We’d love to hear if you use Prayermate, how you use it, and why you love it!
Head to the App Store to find the Prayermate App, download it, and add African Enterprise to your prayer list today.
Thank you for you for praying for Africa with us.